Monday 10 December 2012

Group meeting - Number 1

Today the group has got together outside of lesson so we could discuss the narrative of our music video. We have talked about our narrative but we still don't have a clear idea on what it exactly is going to be. We have decided on the stalker idea as a starting point.

We also talked about the cast and potential people for us to get for the video. We all have different people to ask if they will be available for when we film. Thing's to consider are their availability and if the are good performers, because it is one thing to be able to play an instrument, but they are pretty unusable if we can not get a good performance.

We discussed if we would be following and using other folk rock videos for inspiration for our video or if we would be using different areas of different types of rock videos, because we found that not many folk rock videos have strong narrative elements, which is going to be a big part of our video.

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