Wednesday 5 December 2012

Our 2 week plan

To make sure that we had enough time to get everything that we need to get done, we have created a 2 week plan that we all know so there will be no errors in communication that will lead to us not getting something done. This is the plan.

Day 1 - Friday the 7th

  • Establish the narrative
  • Gain a cast
  • organise any props and costumes needed
  • Create a storyboard.

Day 2 - Saturday the 8th 

  • Establish possible locations

Day 3 - Sunday the 9th

  • Finish storyboard
Day 4 - Monday the 10th
  • First day of filming

1 comment:

  1. VIMA: D. PEG: D.

    To improve:

    1. Research! You need to add results from questionnaires, focus groups, and then explain how this has had an impact on the ideas you have generated.
    2. Logo - I know you're already in the process of improving this, so make sure that you've got some good analysis of the process on here.
    3. More secondary research! Remember - if there's only evidence on one music video being analysed, that's all the examiner will assume you've seen.

    - JL
