Monday 19 November 2012

Lip syncing

Before asking people to perform in my music video, I took out a task of lip syncing to the song "Amarillo" by Tony Christie with my friend Connor. I decided to do this to get a better idea of what it would be like to be in front of the camera making a fool out of my self before i went out to ask another person to do it for me.

First of all, i found us both to be very lost in what to do next, as most of the video we were standing around watching the other person. I believe this is because we had no instructions for the video and just went straight into it without planning anything. I think it will be a very bad idea to not give the band instructions before filming the video. I also feel like we should give them instructions during the creation of the video as well.

Putting the music to the video after creating it, turned out to be a task. As it was very hard to keep things in sync whilst editing and cutting things out, without everything then going out of sync. I feel like it was good to get some experience with it before doing it on my actual music video, because it gave me time to make mistakes.

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