Monday 12 November 2012

My idea for the performance element of our Music video.

This is my idea for the performance element of the music video for the song Vagabond - Wolfmother.

It is set in a recording studio type place with a drum set, guitar, Bass guitar and Microphone stand set up, but there is no body in the room. The lead singer walks into shot and grabs the microphone stand whilst staring directly into the camera he says "This is a song about the innocence lost". As the drum beat is heard the drummer appears in the shot all of a sudden. The guitarist and Bassist also appear into shot when their instrument is heard.

In my idea, the band would come across as both taking them self seriously and also having a bit of fun at the same time. So, they would be wearing a shirt, blazer and Tie but also be wearing a pair of hawaii shorts and sandles. I feel like this would bring some comedy to the music video and create an interesting contradiction with the other wise serious video, which would overall create a very memorable music video.

There will be close ups of all of the band and the instruments that they are playing, including a shot of the drum's bass pedal which will show the drummers sandles. There would also be a shot that goes from left to right of the band, which varies in different speeds  and is shown 2 or 3 times during the video. There would also be a point of view shot from each of the band members where we see 3 to 5 seconds of what that member is seeing.

At the end of the music video the band members will disappear one by one until the lead singer is the last person in the room. He will look around the room before then walking off set leaving the empty room once again.

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